It All Matters, SIQ

“At SIQ, we do not ask ourselves what’s more important. Rather, we embrace the fringes of science, art and other fields, because we understand that this is the only way to surpass the current industrial production and introduce techniques and technologies which will be able to measure and test products that are still on the drawing board.

That is why today, for the occasion of moving to brand new office spaces, we decided to bring together artists and our staff, who provide a round-the-clock service to our clients and the industry,” read the news published by SIQ – Slovenian Institute for Quality and Metrology on 11 October 2017.

The SIQ-produced event was designed as a celebration of their new office building and drew parallels between high-tech artistic projects and methodologies of product quality assurance. In terms of content, “It All Matters” represents an alternative view on society, while design-wise, it is meant to function as conceptual support of the event in the form of a minimalistic “black monolith”. The design of the book is summed up in the phrase “black on black”, which for us was a way of comprehensive approach to an otherwise white material – paper. The pattern on the cover reproduces the facade of the new building.


Project information
Creative Direction:

Zarja Vintar

Art Direction/Design:

Jana Jazbec


SIQ, Consensus


Miran Kambič, SIQ

Project management:

Sara Grabnar
