Divljaci / Savages, Danijel Žeželj

Dobro oblikovanje je, če te knjige ni niti malo pokvarilo.


Danijel Žeželj je ilustrator in stripar svetovnega formata, ki nam je pomagal izpeljati blagovno znamko BITCH (THEMAKINGOFGRAPA.COM). Sodelovanje nadaljujemo z opremo njegove avtorske izdaje, osebnega dnevnika, posvetila in vodiča po predmestjih nevidnega mesta: “This series of the portraits of writers – writers being those who capture with words that which cannot be captured – began and continues as a response to my relationship with “the word,” the primal word and the everyday word. When the word fails to express what is asking to be expressed, the picture searches for the answer and the way out, for the flickering light that appears and disappears between the word and the image. Savages is a personal journal, a tribute and a guide through the outskirts of the invisible city.”  -DŽ


Format 20 x 25 cm, trda vezava.


Informacije o projektu
Umetniško vodenje / oblikovanje:

Jana Jazbec


Danijel Žeželj